
Women in Peacekeeping – Mission (not yet) Accomplished?

To mark International Women’s Day 2018, a dialogue has been organised in the iconic Peace Palace in The Hague. We will highlight the role and contribution of women to international peace and security, and the challenges and opportunities of ensuring a gender sensitive approach to peacekeeping.

With moderator Ambassador Marriët Schuurman, Head of the Dutch MFA Taskforce for the UN Security Council, we are thrilled to announce the speakers in this lively interactive forum:

Ameerah Haq, former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Field Support
Vice Admiral Mark Mellett, Chief of Defence, Ireland
Major-General Richard G. Oppelaar, Deputy Chief of Defence, Netherlands
Captain Deirdre Carbery, Peacekeeper and former Gender Adviser for the Irish Defence Forces’ United Nations Training School, Ireland
Commander Ella van den Heuvel, Gender and Security expert, Netherlands

The event will be co-hosted by the Embassy of Ireland, the Dutch MFA, the Carnegie Foundation, Humanity House and Just Peace.

The event is now fully booked but you can follow us via Periscope livestream link.


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