
Can there be justice without inclusion?

Currently, the majority of the global population is excluded from justice and affected communities are marginalised. Their voices are not heard. At HagueTalks two leading experts in international law will discuss pathways to more inclusiveness. Michael Liu will focus on institutional access to justice and…

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Borders of Forgiveness

70 Years after the end of World War II HagueTalks organizes a dialogue with young people from Kenia, Bosnia and Afghanistan. The students reflect on a Talk of Theodor Meron about justice and reconciliation and discuss issues of forgiveness after having experienced atrocities of war….

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How to create Secure Societies?

In the framework of the Global Conference on Cyber Space 2015 the team of HagueTalks will bring together inspiring persons with innovative ideas for improving our interaction in cyberspace, ensuring an open, free and safe environment for all, making the world a more just and…

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Why womenomics?

In Japan, women face significant challenges in combining a career with living up to social and family expectations. To illustrate, Japan is ranked 104th in the World Economic Forum’s 2014 Global Gender Gap Index, which measures the relative gaps between women and men in health,…

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