
Why womenomics?

In Japan, women face significant challenges in combining a career with living up to social and family expectations. To illustrate, Japan is ranked 104th in the World Economic Forum’s 2014 Global Gender Gap Index, which measures the relative gaps between women and men in health,…

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Women: Powerful agents for Peace and Security?

Why are women, powerful agents for peace and security? In 2000, the Security Council of the UN adopted resolution 1325 to call on UN member states to put women’s interests at the heart of their peace and security agenda. Instead of seeing women merely as…

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Should the world stand up for international justice?

Human rights violations : should the world stand up for international justice? Economic prominence of states at the world stage does often not align with their stance on international justice. China, for example, sees international justice and human rights too often as Western inventions and…

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Can there be Peace without Justice?

President Song of the International Criminal Court (ICC) talks about his early childhood experience in the Korean war that shaped him to become a crusader in the fight against impunity. He discusses the critical importance of international criminal justice to the larger human rights movement,…

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Watchdogs under watch

How do we improve freedom of expression and information? Dialogue with fifteen African journalists from Mali, Senegal, DRC, Ivory coast, Burundi and CAR

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