
Why are women vital for peace and accountability?

Let’s celebrate UN International women’s day together @HagueTalks. Fantastic speakers from three continents, provocative thoughts, great dialogue.

Raneen Abo Naser had to fly from Yarmouk camp in Syria because of the violence of war. She will share her story about strength and courage and will explain how we all can contribute to peace and accountability.

Kiruba Munusamy, an advocate practicing in the Supreme Court of India, is striving for the annihilation of caste through social justice. She explains why legal empowerment of Dalit Women is vital for the liberation and social empowerment of Dalit Women.

Coming from Serbia, Nenad Golcevski, head of communications at the ICTY, experienced first hand the important role of women in the processes of establishing accountability for crimes during armed conflicts, and in the peace building efforts after the wars.

Why are women vital for peace and accountability? We would love to hear your opinion, women AND men! Step forward and speak.

This event has been organized in co-operation with the shelter city program of Peace and Justice

Entrance Free. Registration: register@haguetalks.com First come first serve.

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