It has been over 70 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted. Still, many people around the world experience how much basic Human Rights are under pressure on a daily basis. Inequality, discrimination, absence of freedom of speech, religion, press… Surely, there is so much work to do to get human rights accepted, enforced, spread. However, sometimes all we need is to make voices heard and join the action.
Listen to the ideas and actions of three inspiring Human Rights defenders. Be inspired and join the dialogue.
What can YOU do, to make a difference? How can YOU raise your voice and be heard? How can YOUR actions make human rights a bigger part of our global conversations and actions today?
- Bruna Menezes Gomes da Silva from Brazil strives to ensure universal access to proper public educational and health care system in Amazones. Bruna has been working as a Federal Prosecutor in the Brazilian Federal Prosecution Services in the state of Amazonas.
- Roman Reimer from Kazakhstan is the co-founder and head of the Legal Department of Wings of Liberty. This is a youth NGO striving to contribute to an open society in Kazakhstan through human rights advocacy, promoting civic activism and raising awareness among youth.
- Thuthukile Mbatha from South Africa is a researcher with an activist streak at SECTION27 – an established public interest law centre that promotes equality and social justice in South Africa. Thuthukile has focussed on access to HIV prevention tools and the advancement of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SHRH) in schools, universities and communities both locally and regionally.
- Sachi Qin from China is the manager of the Transgender Program at the Beijing LGBT Center. Sachi is also the coordinator of ‘Empowering China’s Transgender Community” project which is funded by the Netherlands Embassy in Beijing.
Event’s moderator Ludmila Andrade is the Network Coordinator at the United Network of Young Peacebuilders. She has worked on the Youth, Peace and Security agenda for four years, supporting the inclusion and meaningful participation of young people in peacebuilding.
Be there.
Event is co-organised by RVO and Museon. Register for your free seat.