
Thuthukile Mbatha

Thuthukile Mbatha

Researcher and activist

Comprehensive sexuality education is a human right!

My personal experiences are what shape my motivation and passion for the work that I do. We live in a world where young people are dying of HIV, becoming very young mothers and sexual violence being normalised because people especially the young, do not know their rights on sexual and reproductive health.

Thuthukile talks about her experience in working with learners in schools and the need for the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education policy in SA.

Thuthukile Mbatha from South Africa is a researcher with an activist streak at SECTION27 – an established public interest law centre that promotes equality and social justice in South Africa. Thuthukile has focussed on access to HIV prevention tools and the advancement of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SHRH) in schools, universities and communities both locally and regionally.

Twitter: @ThuthsM
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SECTION27news/

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