
How to make justice a reality for women and girls?

Issues of significance in the lives of women and girls such as family disputes, access to land, and gender-based violence are often resolved by chiefs, elders, religious leaders or similar customary and informal actors because formal justice systems are not always accessible, affordable or familiar to communities. On top of that, state judicial systems can be seen as complicated, with slow, inflexible and often confrontational processes. However, these customary and informal systems often fail to uphold women’s human rights.

So how can we realize justice for women and girls who use these systems? And how can customary and informal justice contribute to women finding justice? What are the pros and cons of these systems? What are promising developments and opportunities in the near future?


  • Fiona Hukula, an anthropologist from Papua New Guinea, will talk about the pros and cons of customary justice and the practice of witchcraft and sorcery allegations against women in her country.
  • Laisa Masuhud Alamia, a human rights lawyer from the Philippines, is an expert in the use of Shari’a law especially when it concerns issues of particular relevance to Muslim women, such as Female Genital Cutting, Adoption and the Care of Orphans, Women’s Religious Leadership, and Child Marriages.
  • Jemimah Aludaa lawyer and women’s rights activist from Kenya, works on empowering women in community justice cases and is committed to the creation of a society that is free of all forms of discrimination against women and girls.

Moderator is Rea Abada Chiongson, IDLO’s Senior Legal Advisor on Gender. She was previously the Gender and Justice Advisor for the Justice for the Poor program at the World Bank.

Join a dialogue with these renowned experts and practitioners and share your thoughts and ideas on how to deliver justice for women and girls.Wednesday, October 9, 2019, Welcome at 15:00, start at 15:30 – 17:00 sharp. The dialogue will continue during drinks after the Talks.

Location: IDLO Conference Room, Hofweg 9E, The Hague

The event is co-organized by IDLO and Knowledge Platform on Security and Rule of Law.

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