DIsabled people shouldn't constantly have to justify their existence.
Wanja Maina wants people to understand the experience of a disabled person in Kenya. She wants them to get in our skin and appreciate how it feels to live in a country which doesn’t prioritize the wellbeing of people living with disabilities.
Since becoming disabled at an early age Wanja have faced and overcome various challenges, whether it be at school or in the wider society that have made her the person that she is today. Wanja is now striving to ensure that other disabled people have it easier, chiefly by using by platform “Hummingbird” to advocate for more friendly policies towards disabled people.
Wanja Maina is a Kenyan blogger and disability-rights advocate. She runs “Hummingbird”, a popular Facebook page that has more than 147,000 followers. Since becoming disabled at an early age, Wanja has worked hard to use her profile and platform to make a difference. She has carved out a niche as a passionate and eloquent advocate for persons with disabilities. She thinks young disabled women in Kenya are triple marginalised for being young, being women and having disabilities.
Twitter: @wanjaah
Facebook: hummingbirdglobal/