Tokyo Trials have contemporary implications on justice and accountability.
Along with the Nuremberg Trials, Tokyo Trial is nowadays recognized as a foundational event in the historical development of international criminal justice mechanisms. But what, exactly, did the Tokyo Trial accomplish to make it relevant to strengthening international justice in Asia today? Yuma Totani’s talk will suggest a few points of consideration for discussion.
Yuma Totani is a historian of modern Japan and a researcher of World War II in Asia and the Pacific. She currently holds the positions of a professor at the University of Hawaii and a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. She has authored The Tokyo War Crimes Trial: The Pursuit of Justice in the Wake of World War II (2008) and Justice in Asia and the Pacific Region, 1945-1952: Allied War Crimes Prosecutions (2015). David Cohen and Yuma Totani, The Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal: Law, History, and Jurisprudence, is forthcoming (2018).