The fight for human rights must be universal
The quest for a society where people have the right to express themselves without fear of repercussion, where the law enforcement and the judicial system protect the citizen and where no one is persecuted for their opinions or beliefs is what drives Samiha’s work. She believes it’s important because she has been through the experience and realized that it something we all take for granted, but we must fight for it so that it cannot be taken away from us. It is a form of justice we all deserve, and it must be fought for.
Enforced disappearances are happening in Bangladesh, as a tool of silencing dissent. While the type of human rights violation may be particular to the country, the need to fight for the right to express one’s opinion is global. Even if you think it’s not your battle, you could make a difference in someone else’s.
Samiha Zaman is a human rights defender at ODHIKAR – Human Rights organization in Bangladesh with a focus on enforced disappearances. She has also worked for the FIDH – International Federation of for Human Rights during which she has gained profound understanding of the rule of law within the framework of human rights. She will soon graduate with a Master’s degree in Developments Studies.