By acknowledging diversity in our own ancestors, we can accept diversity in each other.
How can discovering a plural past help create peace today? If we have the perspective that our ancestors could have been of the same religion as our neighbors and our neighbours’ present identity linked to our ancestors’ then we have a shared heritage. Plurality helps people have a dynamic heritage and helps us understand how we are linked inspite of today’s divisive discousearound the world.
Dr. Sada Mire is a Somali-Swedish archaeologist, who spent the last two decades working to understand human sustainability from the perspective of fertility practice (prosperity) and associated peace-making rituals. Sada studies the landscapes, materials and rituals associated with long-term prosperity (fertility of people, land and animals) and peace-making practices in the Horn of Africa. From the perspectives of religious and social ideologies Sada studies the relationship between indigenous notions of long-term peace and sustainability and how fertility, reconciliation and sacrifice practices play an important role in keeping regional and local peace so that blessing follows to the communities, in the past and the present.
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