Human Rights Begin When The People Experience Them
“Injustice irks me! It should irk all of us!
I only have one citizenship, which is South Africa! That’s my only home! So, if I don’t make South Africa work, who must?
Together, everybody has got to make it work #SocialCompact.”
Nompendulo Mkatshwa is a Member of Parliament in the National Assembly for the African National Congress. Previously, she spent four years leading the #FeesMustFall movement as the Student Representative Council President at Wits University and has a keen interest in furthering the rights of the marginalized. She also has a keen interest in gender studies: she was a committee member of the Presidential Gender Review Committee as of December 2018. Furthermore, she is Non-Executive Director of the Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance and a founding Director of the Yenza foundation. Academically, Nompendulo has a background in Geography.