
Nigar Ahmed Mohammed

Nigar Ahmed Mohammed


Ambition and hope are the motivation to continue

“The primary incentive is a personal motivation, to achieve my  goals in life, contributing to the balance of society and achieving gender equality, to demonstrate that women are able to be what they want and in the way they can overcome all obstacles, no matter how big or tough. Education and work are two basic pillars to empower women in order to get a chance and contribute in justice and peace building.

In MENA societies , education and working are among the big challenges for women, especially working in decision-making position such as the judiciary. Women must believe in their capabilities to face the challenges and never lose hope in achieving their goals. Women can make decisions at any level.”

Nigar Ahmed Mohammad is one of the first two women to become a judge  in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Next to her current position at the Erbil Appeal Court, Ms. Mohammad is a prominent activist for women’s rights in Erbil. She is additionally a PhD candidate for International Law at Near East University. 

Additional comments: There are only 30 female judges in the Kurdish region or Iraq; she was the first in her city. Female judges have only been allowed since 2003 following the collapse of the former regime. She is still fighting against prejudices and other obstacles female judges face.

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