“As Judge and Director, I strongly believe that justice sector is key in advancing the women rights in general and in particular the women, peace and security framework, as it is through the courts that laws are enforced. There is a lack of sensitization among the judiciary unfortunatly the majority of judges are not fully trained on the passed laws in order to prevent and counter gender-based violence. Consequently, women are still accorded low status in many areas and have inadequate knowledge and information about their legal rights and the working of the legal system. Therefore, my work is important as helps to recruit and train more women judges to ensure capacity development within the judiciary in order to promote gender sensitive workplaces so that judiciares are able to promote fairness and justice in legal profession as well as materially contribute to tackle gender inequality. “
Elisa Samuel Boerekamp advocates for equal rights and opportunities for women judges in Mozambique and beyond. She started her career in a district court, in a conservative and patriarchal community where gender stereotypes are very strong and sometimes can impede women to pursuit judicial career. As member of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, she helped to ensure that regulation governing the deployment and transfer of judges were adapted to apply a gender lens and consider specific challenges women judges may face when they have to work in certain regions such as rural areas were cultural, religion and social roles can be harmful for women in general and in particular for women in a role of judging. As Director-General of the CFJJ she promotes the recruitment and selection of women to enter to the initial training aimed of recruit future judges and prosecutors, inspiring them to continue they studies and preparation to became judges and prosecutors.
Twitter: @BoerekampElisa