
Darynell Rodriguez Torres

Darynell Rodriguez Torres

Executive director GPPAC Foundation

Reconciliation is not only dealing with the past, it is about building the future.

Macondo, the fictional town described by García Márquez in ‘One Hundred Years of Solitud’ is not only a good mirror of the Colombian reality but of the human condition. Despite years of war, turmoil, violence and division, there is always a second chance to get it right. It is up to us to make the most of that chance or repeat mistakes of the past. 


Darynell Rodríguez Torres has over twenty years of experience in the areas of international affairs and peace and conflict studies; working at the interface of politics and international public policy. A dual citizen of Colombia and Spain, he has worked as adviser of the President of the Colombian Senate, in the Secretary General’s office of the Secretariat for Ibero-American Cooperation, in Madrid, Spain (currently SEGIB) and as political risk analyst and public policy consultant. In 2009 he joined the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, GPPAC, as the head of policy and advocacy. He has participated in the development of various multi-stakeholder processes aimed at designing effective conflict prevention and peacebuilding policies and programs. Since November 2016 he is the Executive Director of GPPAC.

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