For the past five years, Benafsha Efaf has been the provincial manager for the Kabul Family Guidance Center and the Afghan Women’s Shelter. Both programs are part of the organisation Women for Afghan Women (WAW), a grassroots, civil society organisation dedicated to securing and protecting the rights of Afghan women and girls in Afghanistan. WAW advocates for, protects the rights of, and legally defends the rights of abused women who are victim of domestic violence. Benafsha Efaf is a defense lawyer and oversees all legal and mediation cases for the clients in Kabul, as well as for specifically difficult cases in other provinces. Furthermore, Benafsha Efaf is also in charge of the Afghan Women’s Shelter. The shelter provides them with legal aid, counselling but also with the development of others skills such as literacy, numeracy, life skills, Islamic education and language classes. During her time as a staff member of WAW, Benafsha Efaf has worked with different news stations such as BBC, CNN and Afghanistan’s national media.