Justice is not only a judgment
Alexandra is 40 years old and she has never lived in a country in peace. Colombia has been 60 years in war ad produced 10 mil. victims. Now Alexandra works through rule of law to help survivors to heal some of the psychological damage they suffered.
Alexandra Sandoval-Mantilla is currently a Justice at the Chamber for Amnesty or Pardon and the Chairperson of the Gender Equality Commission of Colombia’s Special Jurisdiction for Peace (“JEP” in Spanish). In addition, she has been a senior lawyer at the NGO Women´s Link Worldwide, a clerk at the State Council of Colombia (the highest court for administrative law matters) and a senior lawyer at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Costa Rica). She holds a law degree (J.D.) from Los Andes University of Colombia, and an LL.M (Cum laude) in International Human Rights and Criminal Justice from Utrecht University. She has lectured at several academic institutions and participated in seminars in many Latin-America countries. She is the author of two books and several scholarly articles.
Twitter: @JEP_Colombia